

Solar power is the key to a clean energy future and play crucial role in the decar­bonization of our societies. Every day, the sun gives off far more energy than we need to power every­thing on earth. Fortum has great experience in producing solar power and co-owns several solar plants in India. Also in the Nordics, the condi­tions for solar power are promising. That is why we are devel­oping solar plants also in our home market.

Make the switch the easy way with Use the HCE specialist renewable energy company dedicated to helping the UK reap the benefits of solar. Contact us to take the first step in designing a future-proof solution that works for you.

European Quality

In 25 years of experience, we have developed a production process and know-how that has resulted in a certified product of high quality and multiple applications.


Eurener’s photovoltaic modules have passed all of the main tests in terms of durability and performance. Due to this, we have the most prestigious certificates at a worldwide.


Eurener modules, are designed to last, thus making a aprofitable investment and providing energy for decades. That is why we offer warranties above the market average.

Mission, vision and Values .

Throughout our history, we have worked with a wide range of partners in different countries and continents to promote solar energy worldwide. We have always strived to work to the highest standards of quality and commitment as a familyowned business based on effort and excellence. Our company mission is to provide sustainable and durable photovoltaic modules in order to protect the planet.


Bif. MEPV 108 cells — Eurener PV Module 430Wp


Bif. MEPV 120 cells — Eurener PV Module 480Wp

Most common questions about solar panels and batteries

  • 30 year warranty on solar panels
  • 10 year warranty on batteries
  • 10 year warranty on inverters
  • Start your solar journey today and receive a call back for a remote survey within three working days
  • Once the remote survey is completed, you can have your solar panel system fitted within 5-10 weeks

For most homes, no.  However, there are a few exceptions. If you live in a listed building, conservation area or national park, you may need to check with your local planning office.

There’s no annual maintenance or service required. You may want to give your panels an occasional rinse with a hose to get rid of any dirt or dust. You may also need to keep an eye out on nearby trees to make sure they don’t shade your panels.

Solar panels create direct current (DC) energy, but we need alternating current (AC) energy for our household appliances. An inverter is used to change the energy from DC to AC. The inverter is usually installed in the loft, and is wall mounted.


Solar power and the environment

As a renewable CO2-free power source, the environ­mental impact of solar power is signif­i­cantly smaller than other power gener­ation methods. The impact is mainly related to the production and supply of the special materials and metals that are required to produce solar panels. The location and the water used to clean the solar panels also affect the environment. We are working hard to find alter­native ways to clean our solar panels.


Home Comfort Enterprises.

68a Stephens Way Deeping St James Peterborough, PE6 8EJ. United Kingdom

Reg number : 13589136




About Us

At HCE we are equipped and experienced to provide you with a reliable renewable energy system. We can provide you with a suitable method to reduce your carbon footprint and combat rising energy prices. So Let’s go green!